Weekly Horoscope
December 4th - December 10th

You will be working extra hard to catch up on pending work and meet the deadline. Upcoming trip will be on your mind and you will start buying gifts for friends and relatives. Do not ignore the health issue and seek medical advice if necessary. You will continue to meet very interesting people.

Recent success will bring confidence back. Gamble will pay off in a big way. You will spend some time with people in helath industry this week. You may be spending lots of time on looking for a bargain for your home insurance. Luck will stay on your side and you will accomplish a lot this week.

A new avenue for income could open during the week. You will continue to miss someone who was very close in the past. Do not take any chance with weather and carry proper protective cloths. Speculations and financial gamble will continue to pay off. Just use extra caution when signing any papers.

Business trip will be a grand success. Just be careful and read the fine lines and if neccessary, have the clause changed before you sign the contract. Someone above average tall person will be specially helpful. You may decide not to attend a religious gathering. Confidence will be at a high level.

Presence of Venus and Moon in second is a sure sign of unexpected wealth. You will do extremely well in all money matters. Business will take off suddenly. Spouse might feel little exhausted. Some favorable developments will take place in ongoing legal matters and victory will become almost certain.

And you will continue to stay in good spirit. Alignment of planets will help you hit your goals without much efforts. Money wise it's going to be another great week. You may also receive big check from a government agency. Someone a lot younger in age, will be helpful. You will start getting ready for the trip.

Results will be lot less than expectations. Slow progrss will cause little concern and frustration in mind with no help in sight. You will feel reluctant in calling someone who can really help. A female could be really helpful if you seek her help. You might consider moving close to work.

Planets are in perfect order to make things happen for you. Now it all depends on how big you can think and how high you aim. Success is guaranteed. Venus in tenth will take you very close to an interesting personality at work. Value of your stocks will go up and it will be better to dump them and make money.

You will reap rich rewards for the hard work and patience maintained in the past. You will gain big edge over your competetiors. You will also get to meet few important people at the get together this week. A government agency will also clear your path. You will be spending good amount of money this week.

Personal efforts will not go waste. Of course there is no escape from hard work this week also. Decion in legal matter can come this week and in your favor only. Someone will take you out for lunch. In Laws may send some valuable and nice gifts. You may also sign some important papers and mail them securely.
(Date, Time & Place of Birth Required)